Monday, June 1, 2009

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Obama to Nominate Sotomayor to Supreme Court Tuesday

and reactions from FR:

President Obama will nominate federal appeals court judge Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court Tuesday, FOX News has learned.

Sotomayor, 54, would be the first Hispanic on the high court if confirmed. She would succeed outgoing Justice David Souter.

Sotomayor's selection indicates that Obama is interested in diversifying the court. If she is confirmed, Sotomayor would also be just the third woman to ever sit on the Supreme Court bench, joining Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

Some actually positive enough, all considered:

To: Sinschild

She has suffered from diabetes since childhood, I don’t know to what degree that calls into question her longevity.

To: FreedomFerret

Apparently there could have been a worse choice from among the leftists Obama has available.

And this Good Christian:

To: Williams
I pray that she receives Jesus and changes her evil ways! That would be the best way! But if the diabetes takes her, then so be it. I will praise the Lord in either case.

Before I get chastised for saying such a thing, remember this.....When Mary and Joseph fled with Jesus because of the evil Herod (Obama of the day, they both want to kill children) killing all the children, hoping Jesus would be one of them. Well, when word that Herod died reached them, they praised God.   (Palin supporter so it figures)

Obama kills babys.

Monday, May 25, 2009

We need water boarding to continue!

On this great memorial day, the day to remember the fallen heros that died to make sure that evil does not take over the world; I say we had better vote out those self serving and dimwitted dupes of our mortal enemies before they get millions of us killed! Obama and his kind are so concerned about not water boarding terrorists, which leaves no permanent injury, yet does not mind allowing live babies who survive a botched abortion from being slowly put to death in a hospital. If there is a better way to extract information that is going to keep an american city from being nuked and people's skin from being fried right off of their bodies, then let's do it! Otherwise, you lefty do gooders, shut the hell up and let our intelligence and military folks get the job done! Those of you who cannot do that can kiss your rear ends goodbye in the next elections.

America can never be safe if they stop using waterboarding to extract false confessions and dodgy info from people. It's so good that US law enforcement don't use it.

no link provided.. it's from Free Republic.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Liberals: The Enemy Within

Feeling as I do about Barack Obama, it’s only natural that I would look for people to blame for putting him in the Oval Office. I mean, aside from the 63 million oafs who actually voted for the guy. The first villains who come to mind are members of the media who are still, in the words of Bernard Goldberg, slobbering over him. But I have come up with another group of troublemakers. They’re the folks who came up with the cockamamie primary system.

When you realize how much emphasis is placed on early results, both in terms of momentum and fund-raising, you can readily see how goofy it is that a tiny New England state and a handful of Midwesterners wield so much influence. I have nothing against the voters of New Hampshire or the folks who vote in the Iowa caucus, but it’s absurd that they should have so much power. The solution is quite simple. On the very same day, the Republicans and the Democrats would hold their primaries in all 50 states.


some Choice reactions from the vermin at FR:

one quoted this:

‘Bread and Circuses’ is the cancer of democracy, the fatal disease for which there is no cure. Democracy often works beautifully at first. But once a state extends the franchise to every warm body, be he producer or parasite, that day marks the beginning of the end of the state. For when the Plebs discover that they can vote themselves bread and circuses without limit and that the productive members of the body politic cannot stop them, they will do so, until the state bleeds to death, or in its weakened condition the state succumbs to an invader - the barbarians enter Rome.... Mine was a lovely world till the parasites took over.

Robert Heinlein 


The glaring problem is that because we are created with a need to worship, a hard wiring if you will,when science and socialism replace God as a religion, people will worship. When a messiah appears, they will notice nothing of the bad, as a worshipper of God will endure anything for Him, they will endure anything for their messiah.

Think of the many who have gone to their deaths for the one they believed to be the messiah; Jim Jones,David Koresh, that dude with the followers who died with their sneakers on waiting for a spaceship, Hitler, the FLDS,any number of current dictators, and yes, Christians, Jews, muslims, and any other who was martyred.

These people will never be convinced their messiah is wrong, any more than we will be convinced that Jesus is wrong. They will just chalk up any suffering they endure due to his policies to trials they must endure. They are just as committed to him and his policies as we are to the Christ that purchased our salvation with his blood.

I do not have an answer to this problem. I do not know if one exists; if it did, it would mean that it would be possible for someone to use it on Christians to remove us from our faith, or “snatch” us out of His hands.

Sure, some willingly leave the faith of Christ for something else, but no one can be snatched. Some will willingly leave science and socialism, but, as in any faith, most will not.

These are scary times..........

Conservative talkshow host 'Mancow' gets waterboarded, says it's torture.

TYT: Republicans Have One Tactic Left - Fear!

Friday, May 22, 2009

'Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell' for Christians
If the Left had its way, President Obama would promptly rescind the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy for gays in the military and apply it to govern the conduct of another demographic -- Christians.  

Or at least that is the impression you’re left with following some recent events. This week, GQ magazine published a hit piece on former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld.  Among other supposedly evil acts, Rumsfeld was called out for sending top secret briefings on Iraq and national security to President Bush that included Bible verses.  

The Left has seized upon this revelation as yet more proof that Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld et al. were on a religious crusade in the Middle East.  It’s curious how the Left interprets Bible quotes written on a few Pentagon memos as evidence that the Bush administration’s war in Iraq was a faith-based initiative but simultaneously is at a loss to explain what would motivate radical Muslims to attack America, even as our enemies invariably claim to be acting in the name of Allah.  
"I feel God's words coming to me: 'Go get the Palestinians their state and get the Israelis their security, and get peace in the Middle East.' And by God, I'm gonna do it." GWB