Monday, May 25, 2009

We need water boarding to continue!

On this great memorial day, the day to remember the fallen heros that died to make sure that evil does not take over the world; I say we had better vote out those self serving and dimwitted dupes of our mortal enemies before they get millions of us killed! Obama and his kind are so concerned about not water boarding terrorists, which leaves no permanent injury, yet does not mind allowing live babies who survive a botched abortion from being slowly put to death in a hospital. If there is a better way to extract information that is going to keep an american city from being nuked and people's skin from being fried right off of their bodies, then let's do it! Otherwise, you lefty do gooders, shut the hell up and let our intelligence and military folks get the job done! Those of you who cannot do that can kiss your rear ends goodbye in the next elections.

America can never be safe if they stop using waterboarding to extract false confessions and dodgy info from people. It's so good that US law enforcement don't use it.

no link provided.. it's from Free Republic.

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