Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Ditto watch

I quite enjoy picking outragious comments from various right wing sites and laughing at them.

This Blog will do just that.

I have an idea for how to address these ridiculous ideas about not waterboarding terror detainees.

We should have a national waterboarding contest, and aim to clear up many of the falsehoods now being propagated:

1. We should raise $100 K as the winning pot. 2. Contestants would compete for who can last the longest before giving in, the top 3 people will receive cash prizes. 3. The point that should be emphasized throughout the contest is that although waterboarding is not pleasant, it is certainly survivable and absolutely better than getting burned alive in the World Trade Center.

What do you think ?

This I found on Freerepublic today.. I laughed pretty hard at the idiocy..

And, the Straw Gay:

*shaking my head*

This is quite something, how we have allowed our humanity to be turned into a weapon against us (the whole PC thing).

In the early 1980’s (when I was young and cool..LOL) I had a friend named Ken, who was a treasure to me. Turns out, he was gay. I found this out later. (He said to me “You mean you couldn’t TELL????”) hahaha I smile as I type that. I really was young and innocent, gang!

But when we’d have serious discussions about “things” the one thing he impressed on me was to never allow gays to marry. He said, over and over...”We’re not put together for marriage. When they ask for it someday, it’s because they want you to sprinkle Holy Water and approval on the sh*t I do. Don’t fall for it. We’re different from you. Don’t ever forget it. We want excitment and risk and to push things to the edge. You seek romance and stability and safety.” He was the most honest human being I ever knew.

He didn’t manage to live long enough for the first round of life-sustaining AIDS drugs, like Magic Johnson.

 Both from Freerepublic.com... a site which I'm guessing will feature pretty heavily on my little bloggy!

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