Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Obama to Nominate Sotomayor to Supreme Court Tuesday

and reactions from FR:

President Obama will nominate federal appeals court judge Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court Tuesday, FOX News has learned.

Sotomayor, 54, would be the first Hispanic on the high court if confirmed. She would succeed outgoing Justice David Souter.

Sotomayor's selection indicates that Obama is interested in diversifying the court. If she is confirmed, Sotomayor would also be just the third woman to ever sit on the Supreme Court bench, joining Ruth Bader Ginsburg.


Some actually positive enough, all considered:

To: Sinschild

She has suffered from diabetes since childhood, I don’t know to what degree that calls into question her longevity.

To: FreedomFerret

Apparently there could have been a worse choice from among the leftists Obama has available.

And this Good Christian:

To: Williams
I pray that she receives Jesus and changes her evil ways! That would be the best way! But if the diabetes takes her, then so be it. I will praise the Lord in either case.

Before I get chastised for saying such a thing, remember this.....When Mary and Joseph fled with Jesus because of the evil Herod (Obama of the day, they both want to kill children) killing all the children, hoping Jesus would be one of them. Well, when word that Herod died reached them, they praised God.   (Palin supporter so it figures)

Obama kills babys.

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